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Catedral - Ciudad Trujillo, Rep. Dom.

CATEDRAL, Ciudad Trujillo, Rep. Dom. La más antigua del nuevo mundo, erigida en 1514, en ella reposan los restos de Cristóbal Colón, descubridor de América.

CATHEDRAL, Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican Republic. The oldest cathedral in the new world,…

Casa Blanca, San Juan, P. R.

White House (Casa Blanca), erected by Ponce de Leon in 1523 as a fortress and arsenal and later made the residence of Ponce de Leon's family. Presently this splendid house is the residence of the Commander of the United States Army in Puerto Rico.

Caribe Hilton Hotel
San Juan, P. R.

Built at a cost of over eight million dollars as an attraction for tourism, this beautiful new hotel is a paradise for pleasure and comfort.