Browse Items (315 total) Collection: Colección de postales y fotografías 1844-1952 de Puerto Rico, República Dominican y Cuba. Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Previous Page of 32 Next Page Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added U. S. Customs House, San Juan, Puerto Rico "The San Juan Customs House is one of the buildings in Old San Juan that is part of the National Register of Historic Places. It was established on the islet of San Juan in the 18th century. However, the current building was built by order of the… Tags: Aduana, Aduana de San Juan, Custom, Customhouse, Customhouses, Federal, Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, San Juan "Salvador Brau" Street, San Juan, Puerto Rico Tags: calle, Calle Salvador Brau, ilustración, Main street, Main streets, Old San Juan, Salvador Brau St., Salvador Brau Street, San Juan, Street, Streets, Viejo San Juan Casa Blanca and City Wall, built in 1523, San Juan, P. R. Tags: Casa Blanca, fortificación, ilustración, muralla, murallas, San Juan, Viejo San Juan San Juan City from Harbor, San Juan, P. R. Tags: ciudad, puerto, Puerto de San Juan, San Juan, San Juan Harbor, Viejo San Juan Bird's-Eye View of San Juan, Puerto Rico Tags: ciudad, costa, fortificación, Iglesia, isla, Océano Atlántico, San Juan, Viejo San Juan, vista aérea San Juan, Puerto Rico from the Harbor Tags: ciudad, embarcaciones, puerto, Puerto de San Juan, San Juan, San Juan Harbor, Viejo San Juan BANCO COLONIAL Mayaguez - 11 de octubre de 1918. Efectos de los terremotos de 1918 en el edificio ocupado por el Banco Colonial. Tags: banco, Banco Colonial, Earthquake, Earthquakes, Mayaguez, Puente, Puerto Rico, Temblor, Temblores 1918, Terremoto Mayaguez 1918 Iglesia Católica - Mayaguez Mayaguez - (11 de octubre de 1918) Daños causados por los terremotos de 1918. Mayaguez Tags: catedral, Catedral Nuestra Señora Candelaria, Cathedral (building), Cathedrals (buildings), Church architecture, Churches (buildings), Iglesia, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico Convalecencia, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico. Tags: Convalecencia, Puerto Rico, Residencia, Río Piedras, San Juan, Summer house (seasonal dwelling), Summer houses (seasonal dwellings) [ Teatro La Perla ] Ponce - 1889 Teatro La Perla. Aquí se celebró la asamblea autonomista. Tags: Neo-Classical Revival, Ponce, Puerto Rico, Teatro La Perla, Theater (building), Theaters (buildings) Previous Page of 32 Next Page Featured Item SANTO DOMINGO (R. D.) - Interior de la Basilica Menor de Santa Maria